martes, 2 de marzo de 2010

Short and easy reading material

Reading in a foreign language is difficult. One of the problems is finding texts that are short, easy, and interesting. This is a collection of texts written in English in the original. All the links take you to archives of stories or comics. You need to find the "<<" "previous" or "back" button to read the archives.

Don't try to understand all the words. If the text is a webcomic, find the joke. If you find the joke, good job!


* Calvin and Hobbes is a classic. The protagonists are a little boy, his pet tiger, and his parents.

* "Peanuts" is another classic. I hate it, but it has lots of fans...

* xkcd is "A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math and language". The protagonists are a couple of scientists, boyfriend and girlfriend. I recommend it if your English is good, and you like maths, science or computers.

* Count your sheep looks like a children's story, but it's not. The protagonist are a girl, her imaginary friend and her mom. The girl's dad died when her mother was pregnant. I recommend you click "First" and read in chronological order.

* Indexed, like xkcd, is also about maths. Absolutely recommended if you like maths; impossible to understand if you don't like diagrams.

* Postsecret is a very famous American website. People write their secrets in cards and send them to a man in the United States. Then, he puts the secrets on the website. He changes them every week: there is no archive.

* Haiku is a Japanese poetic form. Haikus are very short and descriptive. They show an image of nature, and it expresses a feeling.

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